I’d like to thank everyone who came out to the Air BnB Hosts South Florida Network & Learn event where I shared my proven strategies on how to optimize your portfolio website and use LinkedIn to attract high profile customers back to your business. Follow this link to download my presentation for free
This document contains my top-5-speaking points on social media engagement with your website. Although there are plenty of things to cover, I kept the overall topics short and top level for those who may be non-technologically inclined and work best with simple concepts. The topics I covered are as follows:
- Identify your marketing strategy goals
- Finetune your portfolio website
- Create a LinkedIn account
- Reach out to new prospects
- Drive traffic back to your site
“You are limited only by your imagination.”
COVID-19 left many businesses disconnected from their students, colleagues, supporters and/or patrons and my goal was to empower you with the know how of what’s possible in regards to generating leads to grow your business. Of all the social media networking platforms, LinkedIn is my preferred channel for building corporate contacts. It is a tool where you can directly connect with and follow business leaders, post news articles, join and follow groups related to your industry all in one space.
As for training, I can help you overcome the anxiety of coordinating the sales/marketing process by connecting the dots to success. Whether you are a job seeker or looking for new customers, I will introduce you to the basics of setting up or improving the LinkedIn account profile you may have created yet ignored. You or your team will regain confidence in delivering your elevator pitch, learn how to reach out to like minded people in your field of interest and I will give you my top-5 tips on the Social Etiquette rules of engagement.
Additional coaching lessons can be found on my site: BusinessLeadersOnTheMove.com
I can be reached at: 954.552.2985
#zmarketinganddesigns #AirBnB #BusinessDevelopment #DriveCustomersToYourWebsite #Entrepreneurship #HighProfileCustomers #LinkedIn #PortfolioWebsites #RepeatCustomers #airbnbhostssouthflorida #digitalmarketingtechniques #websitedesign